Monday, September 11, 2006

We start out with Jesus fleeing the scene because Herod has found out what Jesus is doin and thinks that John the Baptist has been raised from the dead. This is a scary thing for Herod because not too long ago he chopped off John's head for his daughter-in-law. Jesus finds out that Herod could be looking for him, so he decides its best to leave.

Jesus takes off in a boat, but when people see him and recognize him, they chase after the boat on land. By the time Jesus docks, theres a huge crowd gathered for him waiting. Jesus feels compassion towards these people and starts teaching. Towards the end of his teaching, everyones hungry. Jesus turns to his deciples and asks one of where they can but enough bread to feed everyone....there were 5000 men, not including women, not including children.

We are in Matthew 14, but John 6 gives a bit more info. His disciples say, no way, It would take a days wages to feed all these people. So Jesus asks what they have, Andrew says that there is a boy here who has 5 loaves and 2 fish. So Jesus takes the food, asks God's blessing, and feeds all the 5000+ people. I wouldn't want to be the boy who has to give up his bread and fish not knowing whats gonna happen next...

Heres an interesting look on this whole topic. This has no Biblical standing just something interesting to think about. This is happening during the passover feast. The Jewish people were used to traveling at this point. Some reported 250,000 people traveled to get to the same place at the same time. When these people traveled, they brought provisions with them. Some of these people are walking for days on end to get to this celebration. Its a theory (I didnt come up with it but thought it was cool) that these people had prenty to eat that they had brought with them. When they saw Jesus take all that he had, all his food and start handing it out to everyone else, that the people did the same and started handing out their extra provisions. Enough to feed more than 5000+.

Jesus takes everything that he has, 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. The first thing he does is start to hand it out. I think this should be how the church operates, how we operate. God blesses us all the time, everyday of my life is lived only to the credit and mercy of Jesus. Think about what you have that makes you comfortable, Jesus didnt even have a bed. I know for myself, as soon as I get my paycheck I immediatly spend 80% of it. (Most of that is for bills). But Jesus didnt have a savings account. Everything he had, he turned right around and gave it out to people.

To some people this doesnt sound like wise investing. "But without a savings account how will you pay for your car breaks down?" Is a question my parents will frequently ask when I dont like to put money in savings. I don't know. We are "supposed" to tithe on every income. I have a hard time with that. This is probably one of the biggest areas in my life where I struggle with trust in God. Mostly because I've been severly screwed over with money to the point where I'm not really sure what to do. God has been trying to show me he'll take care of me. About 3-4 weeks ago a friend from church called me up and asked me to stop by his house. When I got there, he loaded up my car with groceries. Probably $100 at least worth of groceries and was like, blessed. Two weeks before that a friend of mine left for the service, I shook his hand as we said our goodbyes and he hands me $30, which was what I needed to fill my gas tank to last me until my next paycheck. And last week I was meeting with another friend sharing excitement about the well, he tosses me $50. God wants so much to provide and handle our situations.

Jesus gave all he had. Im worried about making payments on credit cards, paying off student loans and outstanding phone bills.

It starts to get late. He tells his disciples to go ahead on the boat without him while he dismisses the crowd. Everybody leaves and by this time, the boat is in the middle of the sea. So naturally Jesus starts walkin on the water to catch up. Somewhere between 3-6 am Jesus shows up at the boat and everybody starts freaking out. I would too, I've never seen anyone walk on water and I doubt you have either. Jesus tells the to relax its me. Peter gets all excited and is like, hey I wanna walk on water too. Jesus calls him out and Peters walkin on water toward Jesus. Peter sees the wind kicking up and starts to sink. Jesus grabs his arm and they get back into the boat.

If I where Peter in this case, I don't know how much I'd "start" to sink, I think it would be like a big splash of a sink. But Jesus says, oh you of little faith, and pulls him out. Jesus has been saying that to me all my life. I'll start doin well, get going, the wind kicks up and sink like a cannon ball. Especially when it comes to this money situation. Its hard to see what God wants me to do. I could just stop paying my bills and elope to Ireland....but I dont think its a good idea (God I would elope in a heartbeat if i knew you wanted me to). But thats not what happens here to Peter either, Jesus doesnt have him swim back to the boat, he grabs his arm and carries him back. In my situation, I feel like Jesus has his hand out, all I have to do is reach out and grab it. But instead I'm sinking, trying to swim back. I keep trying to say, nono Jesus, I'll handle that. (just as a quick aside, that method doesnt work very well...) How often do we find ourselves holding on to areas of our lives so tightly that we cant let go of them to grab the hand that will pull us out of the water? I am holding on to my own imminent death. I need to let go. Now.


Blogger Timothy said...

Man.... I love how much you've been tackling this stuff. SOOOO!!! Good news. We're starting my matthew study up here at UConn on Mondays from 7-8:30. Can you come?

I miss you a ton man and reading your blog is just not the same as having been able to hang with you all summer.

I'm SO PSYCHED about the work Jesus is doing in both of us. Seeing Him in you is so encouraging.

You have no idea. Hopefully we'll see you this weekend if anything.

2:45 PM  

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