Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I am Arrogant

Even saying it. I am arrogant, has a twinge of arrogance in it. I am sure that I am right in nearly every situation. This is a problem. I genuinely feel like I am right during a debate, regardless of the information the opponent presents. If they don't agree with me they don't have the mental capacity to understand what I'm talking about...which still makes me right.

I consider myself an extremely intelligent person. If you were to ask me, I'd play it off modestly but I'd already think myself smarter than you just because you asked. If for some reason something might be over my head, I will disregard the topic completely stating that if I don't know it then its not worth knowing;or, I will accuse the presenter for not relaying information effectively enough for anyone to understand it. Either way, I'm still right.

I secretly use spell check but will think less of someone for misspelling.

Even Christianity positioned itself as the right religion in my mind. I could study it and find all the right ways to live, then judge people who couldn't. I can argue Christianity, it makes sense to me, I've read the books, I know the rhetoric, I can be apologetic, but I have taken very little of it to heart.

I have a seperate desire to make the world a better place, I'm sure its the right thing to do. This desire really wants to help people in big ways...dig wells in africa, feed the hungry in india, save the sex slaves, free the farmers, save the polar bears....I just don't know how to align that with Christianity.

I have this strong ambition to do what is right, but its all for the wrong reasons.
This is my confession
This is my heart
I'm sorry


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