Bob Hazlett
Bob Hazlett
I thank you for your son God I thank you for his strength and the generous that’s within him I thank you lord for the hard work that’s within him but I thank you God that he knows how to rest in your presence. I heard the lord say two things, Tommy, I heard the lord say it’s like a 3 year season of restoration that He’s been bringing you through and I hear the lord say you are moving from restoration to release of promises. God is going to begin to release some things in the area of business where you’ve been sowing this is a time for reaping Even some things you’ve done for other people and you’ve done along with other people I heard the Lord say this is time to launch out even on your own I saw like a LLC Father Son incorporated I feel like God is going to begin to incorporate some things in your life because it’s going to be a storehouse for which he is going to send you blessings. There’s going to be some connections that are going to come with churches throughout New England and even outside this area. There’s going to be sound needs and things like that that are going to take place I feel like there are even some connections even down into Tennessee into Nashville where you are going to be involved in doing some things not just with the music industry but specifically sound. And there are some big events you'll be called into with and I feel like to there is a connection coming with the CALL movement and I don’t know if you know anybody in that movement but I keep seeing Lue Engle and I keep seeing the stadiums going and I hear the lord saying there is a bigger call on your life than you know right now and I know they had a call down in Nashville and that was a big deal but I feel like there is a call that is coming to you even that’s going to connect with the call that’s coming out of Nashville and that God is going to begin to connect your heart not with just the sound but with the sound of the Lord, with the sound of the Lord, with the sound of the Lord that’s coming out of that place.
I also feel like there’s been some things spoken over your life and you say but God how can that happen? when will that happen and I hear god say I'll take care of the how, but now is the when this is the when, I'm going to begin to release some things into your life I will begin to release some anointing even in your life. But one of things I saw you was you start really connecting with people you’ve been behind the scenes with this thing this week and I heard the lord say you haven’t been behind the scenes you’ve been in the mix of things you’ve even been part of the leadership team and there’s an anointing and a transparence that’s even been taking place in your life and you are going to see a great increase in two areas you’re going to see a great increase in the prophetic, for words of knowledge for healing that are going to take place just real accuracy that’s going to take place in people’s lives and then you’re going to have a gift of faith and boldness and I saw you with 2 other people and I saw you start going to places where even after church would happen you just wanted to stay up all night so you went and closed down the bars, and then you went with the bar crowd to Denny's and you began to evangelize in Denny's and you would pull all nighters in the spirit and you would have so much supernatural energy that you just wanted to keep going and going and going because it’s a time of release
I also feel like God wants you to know that He’s trained you in untraditional ways and there’s some ways that you’ve feel like you should go to this training thing or this seminar and I heard God say I’ve even kept you away from those things because I don’t want you to just get trained by a book, but I wanted to train you by my spirit and Gods going to begin to train you even in some things in the spirit in a new way in this new radical faith that’s raising up inside you and I saw you even getting raised up, I feel like there’s a missions calling that’s coming on your life and an opportunity to go to on a missions trip I saw like Mexico and down and even Central America that God’s going to begin to open doors for you to begin to run through the nations with a group of people short terms missions trips
and there’s also going to be a flexibility that gods going to build into your schedule. God has said many things have you tried to do for work that seemed like it just didn’t have a long term plan. God said don’t you worry about the long term plan, you just worry about today, you just worry about what you and I are doing today because God put together a long term plan for you. And Gods going to give you a work schedule that’s going to be flexible so you can do the things for god that you want to do and the things WITH God that you want to do because this is going to be a season of time where you’re going to do things with your Heavenly Father, this is going to be Father and son time. God says you don’t have to do things for me, just do things with me
God wants to honor your faithfulness to the house and the things that your called to do and God wants you to know that you can still do the things that your called to do and be faithful to what gods called you to do here and there’s some things that God is going to be taking you outside the house to do and it’s not either or, it’s both and. you don’t have to make a choice. There’s going to be a season of time where God is going to take you away for a season of training but a season of preparation and its going to be to come back and to release the things that Gods going to pour into your life because God wants to pour into a greater level and a greater measure that he’s doing inside you.
There’s a rumor of God that’s going to begin to move in the age group not the youth, but just beyond the youth area where there’s like a gap of people, it’s like the scattered sheep that have been in the church for a while there scattered all around and I hear the Lord say Just like I left the 99 to go after you, you’re going to be one that’s going to gather the scattered sheep, to go after the scattered sheep and there’s even been some that you’ve grew up with in the faith but they walked away from the faith, you’re going to help to restore them to the faith because this is going to be a year for the scattered sheep to be brought together because God is going to send you with a Sheppard’s heart to go after those that have been lost.
I hear you ask the question " what about those I am called to with, those that are called to walk with me" I hear God say I created you in my image and likeness and it’s not good for man to dwell alone and Gods going to begin to put connections and relationships in your life that have the heart to go after God the way you have a heart to go after God Because he’s got your whole heart now and now he can begin to connect those with like heart and like faith and like mind to you.
Thank you lord that your teaching him how to be a son and you’re going to begin to release him to even be a spiritual father. teach him how to be a father because you are a good father Lord you’re going to teach him to be a father to a generation so Lord we bless him in Jesus name we thank you for the increase and the release of the gifts we thank you for the increase and the release of the boldness now God we say it is time. It’s time for the release of your promises.
Search my blog for "David Wagner" to see the word I got 3 years ago that started this whole thing