Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Things that made me happy today:

1) Listening to the Amelie soundtrack on the way to work
2) Reciprocating a smile to the muslim woman who works at the convenience store near work
3) Accomplishing more than I thought I could at work
4) Making eye contact with strangers on the T
5) Coming home to an empty quiet house and listening to the same song over and over again

Saturday, September 01, 2007


I hate the feeling like sometimes I lead a double life. I think I've come to the conclusion that the more I'm open about who I am, the less I'm tempted to be someone I'm not. I don't mean to change my mind so frequently, I'd rather just stick to being me, and if people don't like that, they won't be disappointed by me trying to be someone I'm not.

So here are a few things about me that most people might not know...
read on if you dare...
I enjoy watching people...specially through the reflection of the glass while riding the train. The split second or so our eyes might happen to meet makes my heart jump, not in like a romantic way but in an exciting eye contact sort of way. This makes me happier than it probably should, but also really scares me if too much eye contact goes on. In fact, eye contact in general makes me happy.

I enjoy memorizing where the train doors will open so that they open directly in front of me, makes me feel like I'm in a movie.
I enjoy thinking of my life in terms of a movie...my sound track would be interesting.
I like math, and cooking, and driving, and languages and using the words libation, catastrophise, and likewise.