From an early age we are pounded with images of knights in shining armor seeking the fair maiden's hand and living happily ever after. What Disney lacks in depicting is the life process that happens from "I do" to "rest in peace". Why would they? Its ugly. Love is a battle, Life is the war. Everyday is a conscious decision to love. Everyday is an adventure in staying alive. Accepting anything else is forfeiting the fight.
Earlier I brushed on the topic that love is a language. I honestly can't take all the credit for that one, theres a book out there called "The 5 love languages." The book goes on to explain the 5 love languages being :
1. Words of Affirmation
2. Gifts
3. Acts of service
4. Quality Time
5. Physical Touch
It goes on to talk about how each person speaks all the love languages, but that we receive love the greatest through our primary love language. Our primary love language is then the one that we speak back the most. For example, if my primary love language is words of affirmation, then I am most likely to speak words of affirmation better than I might acts of service. I can still speak acts of service, but I recognize words of affirmation easier.
I spoke a bit already a few days ago in the blog "compliments" referring to words of affirmation. The thing that i didn't clarify is that we can speak words of affirmation in two different ways. This is dealing with two types of communication, direct and indirect, I prefer to refer to these as relational and topical information. (Now I took a seminar in Family Counseling in New Jersey this fall and most of what i say after here is a reflection of "The Ancient Paths Seminar".) Its very important to keep both of these in mind when communicating because when your relational and topical communication don't coincide, people get confused as to what you are trying to say. Only 7% of communication is verbal, thats the topical, the other 93% of what you say is non-verbal, tone of voice and body language. Most people would agree that nearly all types of problems in a relationship are communication issues. What people don't understand is that they can plug away at the topical issue all day, but when the relational problem is solved, the topical issue goes away. Why, because relational issues deal with identity and when that identity is wounded in some way, we are blinded by the topical issue. Fix the relational pain, fix the topical issue.
Now when gifts is mentioned here, this is not like buy your girlfriend a new bmw and she will have to marry you. No. Sorry its not like a slave trade. The point of consciously loving someone is finding new ways to tell your lover "I'm thinking about you." For a while I lived with a couple that really demonstrated how love really works. I would be out with the husband grocery shopping and we would pick up a single lindt's white chocolate piece. It was his wife's favorite. When we got back to the house he didn't boast about it or complain about it, he slid it into her hand as he was unpacking the groceries. Thats a love gift. And just as a side note, wars have been stopped over flowers. I had a conversation with a friend about this topic recently. He kept trying to prove his point that "flowers aren't my thing, she doesn't even like flowers."
I replied"How do you know, have you ever gotten her flowers before?"
"Well, no but thats just not my style. I don't need to buy her things so she knows I love her."
The point that I kept trying to get across to my friend was that it didn't matter if buying her flowers was
his thing, its about
her. Sometimes we do things that aren't our style to show our loved ones that we are thinking about them. Love is choice. You don't
have to buy the flowers, you also don't
have to love with all your heart.
As a side note: if your a man in a relationship and you're reading this, go buy her flowers before you see her again. DO IT.
Acts of service. For men this one can go either way. Acts of service could mean fixing a leaky sink or doing the dishes, but we so frequently forget to not expect anything in return. I did the laundry and the dishes, that means i get anything i no. Sometimes its easy for us to fall into the mindset of getting things done just because they need to get done, but try and think of one thing they do that you could do for them. People have a hard time with this. Its easy to fall into "I can do it myself and I don't need your help", no you don't
need my help, but I want to help. The other side of this coin is that men are action oriented, they see a problem and they want to fix it, women are community oriented, they see a problem and they want to talk about it...a lot....Men, sometimes this can drive us nuts, just remember that by listening, that can be seen as an act of service too.
Quality Time can get sacrificed really easily by the busyness of day. Before you know it its 10 o'clock and you realize you haven't called or seen her all day. The best recommendation for this is to pick a day every week and go on dates. Make time available. I heard this once before, a guy and a girl were in a long distance relationship but they both really enjoyed movies, so they would go see a movie, alone or with friends, where ever they were and call each other at the end and talk about the movie. Thats awesome, way to be creative!
The Physical touch one gets tricky, in no way do i mean physical touch in the sexual sense. Thats two different things. I mean physical touch the way you might drape your arm around her shoulder, or hold her hand, or play with her hair. It could be something as small as touching her shoulder as you walk by. People are extremely sensitive to touch. Most people don't get enough physical touch throughout childhood and go to one extreme of never physically touching someone to always touching someone.
Now remember this is all just a big book report on "The Five Love Languages" I've just expanded here and there and added some of my own thoughts.
Love is a battle, Life is the war.
Every day is a conscious decision to love.
Every day is an adventure in staying alive.