pull it all together
In most instatnces I've found that life comes at you with a combination of these three. When I get lonely, I feel the pain from all my previous relationships, the deisre to love and be loved, and the fear of not knowing if I will ever meet "the one". When I get hurt by someone, I feel the pain that from my childhood and all the people who have hurt me in the past, I feel unloved, I feel afraid that they will hurt me more. In the same way, when I used to drink excesively or take drugs, I did it because "it made me happy". It "allowed me to forget about life's worries". Thats crap. If anything it made life more difficult and more unhappy when I was sober. Which would cause me to drink more. What was really going on was I found a connection with the people in the bars through our collective brokenness. None of us had a "problem". I related to these people. I could laugh with a perfect stranger. I felt accepted.
Inflate balloon.
Through into pit.
What is the one thing that keeps repeating here? In all of these instances there is a common theme to sin. Sin is based on emotion. Sin is based on feeling. So what do we do with that? Stop feeling? If I could stop feeling I probably wouldn't have drank so much, done drugs, had sex, gotten into so much trouble....but the flip side to that is if I could stop feeling, I would never be able to feel loved, joy, happiness, appreciate beuty, become passionate about anything. So I'm not saying that feeling and emotion are bad. What I am saying is that it is a dangerous road when you base your life on feelings. Basing all decision on feeling can lead to the "sinful" life style.
So now your probably saying "ok thats great an all, but how do I not base my life on feelings when thats all I know?" I had done this for so long. If someone hurt me, I would excommunicate them from my life. If I was pissed off enough at someone, I would never speak to them again. So when I came back to the church I was faced with this different lifestyle....and a huge problem. How do I stop living in sin, emotion, feeling, and start living for Christ?
I hate the christian term "Give it to God." Have you ever heard that one? It doesn't really help does it? When people used to tell me "just give it to God and it will be alllllllll better" I found that I had to restrain myself from strangling them. I mean its a great concept and all. But its not like a switch that turns on and all of a sudden god takes all your junk away. Remember, all spiritual blessing comes in seed form.
I watched this nooma video last night. It really got me thinking. Rob Bell has this video called lump. Its a short 10-12 minute video but it is very real. Let me summarize the video for you.
Nooma-Rob Bell-Lump
In a nutshell what happens is Rob has two boys, young, about 4-5 years old or so. The older one had started lying to Rob and his wife. The first time he lyed it was about this white ball that the boy had stolen. When they confronted him about the white ball he said in a very strange voice "I dunno, Its just the strangest thing, the ball came from nowhere." So they let it pass. Not too long after that the boys where playing in the other room and the older one hit the younger one... The younger comes crying to his mother saying "he hit me" and this kid was balling. So when the mother goes to the older son and asks if he hit his brother he says in that strange voice "I dunno, Its just the strangest thing, I didn't hit him, I dunno what hes talking about." So his mother replies "Just like you don't know where the white ball came from......right?" and the older son freezes.
Not knowing what to do the kid bolts up stairs and slams the door. When Rob gets home, about 2 hours later. His wife goes up to him and tells him whats up. So Rob walks upstairs and finds the oldest son in Rob's bedroom. In the bed, under the covers, hot and sweaty for 2 hours. So Rob sits on the edge of the bed and slowly pulls the covers back. His son doesn't budge. Hes curled up with his eyes closed, soaking wet. Rob says "You know that there is nothing you could ever do, to make me love you any less."
This is what Jesus has been saying to us all along. There is nothing you could ever do, to make me love you any less. The first step in really making an attempt at changing a sinful lifestyle is to first no that there is nothing....NOTHING that you can do that would make God love you any less.
Romans 8 says:
38For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Grace is hard thing to wrap your mind around. You may think "yeah, but you don't know my situation" or "you don't know what I've done." Nothing you have done, can seperate you from the love of god in christ.
This is so key to making the life change, getting that heart transplant because this is the seed. Right here. The love of God is the seed. What you do with it from there is up to you. You can water it, and protect it, and help it grow, or you can toss it in a closet and let it sit. But its always there.
Once we plant this seed and help it grow, we begin living life on the knowledge that God loves us, and stop living life based off of feelings. When you begin to understand how much God loves you, you begin to see how much he loves everyone else to,you stop making rash decisions that come back to haunt you later, you find true happiness and peace. Being a christian is far far more than just hell insurance. Its about enjoying life to its true fullest. Its about finding peace. Its about knowing that you are loved, not only by God, but by your christian brothers and sisters too.
So know this, who ever you are,
I love you.
But know this even more,
God loves you more.